Television service disrupted test card with text that reads "What do Disabled People want from Disability Service Providers: A Consultation to explore how disabled people can inform the delivery of their services Tuesday 11th October 11am to 1pm" register email and the ILMI logo.

What do Disabled People want from Disability Service Providers consultation

In Events, Get Involved, Supports & Services by DB_Admin

Independent Living Movement Ireland is hosting an online consultation event on Tuesday 11th October from 11am-1pm:
What do Disabled People want from Disability Service Providers: a consultation to explore how disabled people can inform the delivery of their services.
ILMI as a Disabled Persons Organisation (DPO) recognises that many disabled people receive services through Disability Service Providers that allow them to live independent lives, with freedom, choice and control. Many of these services are vital to ensuring disabled people can be part of society, living their lives in an inclusive way based on principles of rights and equality.
However, how much control do disabled people have over these services? And what strategies can ILMI as a DPO put forward for how the Sector can be accountable to the needs and wishes of disabled people.
Join them on Zoom for an interactive discussion space for disabled people to discuss developing a position paper on Disability Services. 
To register email