Would you like to be a member of a group monitoring the Government’s disability policies and strategies?
The deadline for expressions of interest to join the Disability Stakeholder Group is 5pm, Monday, 23 August 2021 – go for it!
What is the Disability Stakeholder Group?
The Disability Stakeholder Group (DSG) has been in existence for 15 years. It is an established group recognised for the important role that it plays in the monitoring of the Government’s disability policy and strategies. It is appointed by the Minister of State for Disability. Appointments are on a 3 year cycle. The current DSG is the fifth cycle.
It is a voluntary group of individuals with expertise and lived experience of disability. The group is selected following an invitation for Expressions of Interest to participate in the Group. It usually comprises about 24 members, representing a cross cut of the sector, and includes an independent Chairperson.
Whilst voluntary, members are eligible to have their Travel and Subsistence costs met (in accordance with civil service rates) where meetings occur in person. Meetings are now held routinely online through Zoom and similar platforms. This development provides greater opportunity for geographic spread in the membership across the country.